
Sunday, 3 March 2019

iOS Applications 2008-2019

I have recently been the primary and solo developer of several iOS applications. Each application has very different purposes and intended user base.

Although many of the applications are no longer available in the App Store, I can provide links to those which are still available and provided samples of those which I was able to design and develop.

This application has been designed to allow it's users to view upcoming events around Australia. Initially focused in Tasmania, but with the potential to showcase events across the country.

The app will automatically determine the location of the device and present the user with events around them, with the option to expand the search radius up to 300km away.

The Hanson app is a professional's tool, aiding them to calculate the required amount of concrete for different projects, or preview the available surfaces for driveways, paths and more around a clients home.


This was the second app for the TENDAYS arts festival that I had worked on. I had the task of both designing and developing this application. This application was able to fetch the event data from the festival's website, our company had no control of the website, and presented a great challenge with how to work with foreign data formats.

The following image samples from the app are the original design mockups for how the app would appear on a user's iPhone.

Much of the user interface design was inspired by the TENDAYS website, this included recreating much of the iconography of the site to maintain the user experience across where possible.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

WOI Event Poster Samples 2015

These event posters where created to be included within the app that I developed from 2015 to 2019 while employed at Autech Software & Design, What's On In. The posters represent a small set of those created for the initial launch of the app, and feature various events of The Spiegeltent Hobart of 2015.

I developed a template in Adobe Illustrator to produce these posters as efficiently as possible, so that only the main content had to be altered for each event poster.

The application was developed initially just for iOS, but also became available for Android within a year on the initial version went live. I developed the iOS version almost completely by myself for most of the time up to 2018. The online components of the application were also originally developed by myself, until I was able to receive assistance from another employee.

Find out more about Spiegeltent.

Find out more about What's On In.

iOS App Demo Video 2009

This sample features a mixture of design and technical skill demonstration. This video was created to be included in a demo iOS app. The app was created as a sample piece to sell onto potential clients, who could use the app within their own set of tools for their own clients, helping them to sell their house based products to customers.

The demo video demonstrates the basic operation of the application, and is accessible from within the application's main menu. This video was built using Adobe Flash and other components of the suite where needed, with the final animation being exported in the correct format for being played on the intended devices, and a royalty free music track added as well.

Wine Label Project 2006

The project brief focused on a suitable design of the student produced wine at TAFE Alanvale campus, a label was required for both white and red wine. At the time the project was assigned, the current wine label was deemed to be no longer suitable, a much more modern and up-to-date look was now required.

The following design was selected for use by TAFE for the following few years. Given this requirement, the design was produced in a way the client could edit the file until the next replacement design was needed.

Both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop were utilised to create this wine label design, Illustrator for the layout, and Photoshop for adjusting the supplied photos.

Portrait Photography 2005

The brief of this project was to produce two portraits of a fellow classmate, combining the use of artificial lighting and backgrounds. While one photo was to remain in full colour, the other was to be converted to black and white.

Retouching of the photos were permitted as well as being a component of the project assessment. The below sample is a photo of the final work mounted for assessment.